Prof. Dr. Mehmet S. Binnet'in List of Scientific Publications
Özbek EA, Binnet MS. Effect of early residual laxity after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on long-term laxity, graft failure, return to sports, and subjective outcome at 25 Years: Letter to the Editor. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 49(14): NP72–NP74. 2021
Güngör E,Başarır K,Binnet MS. A retrospective comparison of costs for the primary and revision total knee arthroplasty in Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 54(5): 541-5. 2020
Aydın M,Yörübulut M,Başarır K,Arıkan M, Binnet MS, Ergün M, Denerel HN, Ertat A. Matrix induced autologous chondrocyte implantation in the knee; comparison between osteochondritis dissecans and osteonecrosis and effect of chondrocyte thickness on prognosis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 54(1):66 - 73.2020
Kocaoglu H, Basarır K, Akmese R, Kaya Y, Sindel M, Oguz N, Binnet MS. The effect of traction force and hip abduction angle on pudendal nerve compression in hip arthroscopy: A Cadaveric Model. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery;31(10): 1974 -1980.2015
Binnet MS, Ahmad T,Akan B. Mesenchymal stem cell application in orthopedics. Turkiye Klinikleri J Hematol-Special Topics;7(4):62-65. 2014 (Turkish)
Acar B,Basarır K, Armangil M, Binnet MS. One-stage anatomic double bundle anterior and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Int J Clin Exp Med;7(10): 3710-3713. 2014
Binnet MS, Akan B, Ahmad T. Meniscus transplantation: Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics 6(4):42-46. 2013 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ergün M, Denerel HN, Ertat A. Injuries in elite youth football players: a prospective three-year study. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 47(5):339-346. 2013
Binnet MS, Akan B, Kaya A. Lyophilised medial meniscus transplantations in ACL-deficient knees: a 19-year follow-up. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 20:109-113. 2012
Basat Ç, Kalem M, Binnet M, Demirtaş M. Pulmonary thromboembolism after surgical treatment of unlar pseudoarthrosis: a case report. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 45(4):284-287; 2011
Esmer AF, Başarır K, Binnet M. Surgical anatomy of knee joint. Journal of TOTBİD 10: 38 - 44 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS.Current treatment approaches for cartilage defects. Türkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics;4(1) 11-19. 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Karaduman M. Knee injury in emergency and hemarthrosis. Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics; 3 (3): 41- 49. 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Armangil M. Definitions of sports injuries. Türkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics; 3(1):1- 4, 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Başarır K, Emin N, Yörübulut M, Elçin YM. Recent applications of cellular therapy in orthopedic surgery. Journal of Cellular Therapy & Regenerative Medicine; 1:17-22. 2010.
Bandelow S, Maughan RJ, Shirreffs S, Özgünen KT, Kurdak SS, Ersöz G, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. The effects of exercise, heat, cooling and rehydration strategies on cognitive function in football players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 20 : Suppl.3: 148–160. 2010
Özgünen KT, Kurdak SS, Maughan RJ, Zeren Ç, Korkmaz S, Yazıcı Z, Ersöz G, Shirreffs SM, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. Effect of hot environmental conditions on physical activity patterns and temperature response of football players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 20 : Suppl.3:140–147. 2010
Kurdak SS, Shirreffs SM, Maughan RJ, Özgünen KT, Zeren Ç, Korkmaz S, Yazıcı Z, Ersöz G, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. Hydration and sweating responses to hot-weather football competition. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 20 : Suppl.3: 133 – 139. 2010
Maughan RJ, Shirreffs SM, Özgünen KT, Kurdak SS, Ersöz G, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. Living, training and playing in the heat: challenges to the football player and strategies for coping with environmental extremes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 20: Suppl.3: 117 - 124. 2010
Kayaoğlu E, Binnet MS. Chondral and osterochondral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 40: Supp 2: 105 -112,2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Basarır K. Risk and outcome of infection after different arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction techniques. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 23: 862-868. 2007
Başarır K, Esmer AF, Tüccar E, Binnet M. Güçlü B; Medial and lateral arteries in ankle arthroscopy. Journal of Food and Ankle Surgery; 46:181 -184. 2007
Baltacı G, Bayrakçı V, Binnet M, Ergun N. Rehabilitation in arthroscopic subacromial decompression: six-year follow-up. Journal of Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon ;18(3): 201-208.2007 (Turkish)
Köse KC, Cebesoy O, Ergan V, Akan B, Güner D, Kuru I, Altınel L, Binnet M, Çetin I. The Short - mid term clinical results of mobile bearing total knee prostheses in middle aged population. Journal of Düzce Medical Faculty: 1:31-37.2007 (Turkish)
Kayaoğlu E, Binnet MS. Treatment algorithm knee cartilage injury. Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci 2 (39) : 51 - 54. 2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Kayaoğlu E. Minimal invaziv surgery for femur supracondylar fractures. Journal of Totbid ; 3 ;1-2:51-57.2004 (Turkish)
Kayaoğlu E, Binnet MS. Subtalar joint instabiliy. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 36 ; Supp I : 37 - 41. 2002 (Turkish)
Yılmaz C, Binnet MS, Narman S. Tendon lengthening repair and early mobilization in treatment of neglected bilateral simultaneous traumatic rupture of the quadriceps tendon. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy; 9:163-166. 2001
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Yılmaz C, Karakaş A, Çetin C. Arthroscopic fixation of intercondyler eminence fractures using a 4-portal technique. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery; 17:450-460. 2001
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş A, Yılmaz C, Erekul S, Çetin C. Histopathologic assesment of healed osteochondral fractures. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery; 17: 278-285. 2001
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Çetin C. Arthroscopic resection of bucket handle tears with the help of a suture punch: A simple technique to shorten operating time. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery ;16: 665 - 669. 2000
Binnet MS, Polat O. Knee problems in the over forty-year old athlete: surgical treatment options . Journal of Football, Science and Technology 3: 12 - 15. 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S., Yılmaz C.; Revision anterior cruciate ligament surgery . Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 33 : 459 - 471.1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Yılmaz C, Çetin C. Four portal technique for arthroscopic reduction and fixation of tibial eminentia fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 32 : 384 - 388. 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ.Posterior cruciate ligament injuries and arthrocopic reconsruction. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc;32:429-438. 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş MA, Fazeli AR. Modified Bristow procedure: Is it effective in recurrent instabilities of the shoulder. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 32: 8 -14 .1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Yılmaz C. Arthroscopic meniscus repair and techniques of fixation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 31: 423-428. 1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demir H. Current Conceps for meniscus lesion at the athlets. Journal of Sports and Medicine: 7-8;8 -15.1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Knee Injuries for football players. Journal of Football and Science; 3 : 12 - 17. 1996 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Bayraktar K,Karakaş A. Arthroscopic reduction and fixation of tibial eminantia fractures . Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc ; 30 : 526 - 532. 1996 (Turkish)
Uysalel A, Keçik Y, Kirdemir P, Sayın M, Binnet MS. Comparison of intraarticular bupivacaine with the addition of morphine or fentanly for analgesia after artroscopic surgery. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery; 11: 660-663.1995
Binnet MS. Complications of patellofemoral joint surgery . Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc ; 29: 419 - 423. 1995 (Turkish)
Ateş Y, Kınık H, Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Çanakcı N, Keçik Y. Comprasion of prilocain and bupivacain for post-arthroscopy analgesia: A placebo-controlled double-blind trial. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery;10:108 - 109.1994
Binnet MS. Athletic knee injuries and their prevention. Journal of Middle East Technical University Athletic Dept.; 25-30. 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscal repair and techniques of fixation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc ; 28: 286 - 291. 1994 (Turkish)
Baltacı G, Ergun N, Binnet MS. A cause of knee pain in athletes : Chondromalacia patella. Arthroplasty and Arthroscopic Surgery; 5:39 - 41.1994 (Turkish)
Ergun N, Yılmaz İ, Baltacı G, Binnet MS. A new approach in rehabilitation of reconstructive anterior cruciate ligament lesions. Arthroplasty and Arthroscopic Surgery; 4:12-15.1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Transplantation of allograft the meniscus and ACL. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 26:345-347.1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Ergun N. Limitation of surgical and functional rehabilitation in treatment of medical collateral ligament injury. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 26:300-305.1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Çakırgil GS, Adıyaman S, Ateş Y. The relationship between the treatment of the congenital dislocation of the hip and avascular necrosis. Orthopedics; 15: 73 - 81.1992
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Ateş Y, Mergen E. Arthroscopic resection of symptomatic synovial plica of the knee. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 25: 389 - 390.1991
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Ateş Y, Mergen E. Traumatic articular cartilage injuries of the knee. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 25 : 326 - 329. 1991
Binnet MS, Işıklar U, Erdem I, Çeliktük A, Turan S. Diagnostic approaches to soft tissue disorders of the shoulder joint. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 24:330 - 336.1990 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M. Artroscopic ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 24, 369-375.1990 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Işıklar U. The hip arthroscopy for diagnosis and surgical treatment. Acta Orthop Traum Turc;24:241-244.1990 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Işıklar U. Interactions of intraarticular anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions and femoral notch. Acta Orthop Traum Turc ;24,274-278.1990 (Turkish)
Korkusuz Z, Binnet MS, Işıklar U. Pott’s disease and extrapleural anterior decompression.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 108: 349- 352. 1989
Binnet MS, Mergen E, Ateş Y, Önem Y. Bone block iliotibial band transfers in the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Acta Orthop Traum 23:181-186.1989 (Turkish))
Binnet MS, Mergen E, Girgin O. The Effect Of Gentamycin-PMMA chaıns in treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. Orthopedics Travmatology and Rehabilitation; 2: 189 - 194.1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ege R, Mergen E, Adıyaman S. The relationship between 214 menisectomy operations done in our clinic with sports activity. Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine; 24:1-7. 1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Işıklar U. Arthroscopic Surgery for the knee cartilage injury. Journal of Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty.; 1:33 - 40. 1989
Binnet MS, Ege R, Ateş Y. Evaluation criteria for traumatic knee pathologies. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 22: 239 - 242. 1988 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Durmaz H, Girgin O, Kurultay R, Tümöz MA. Intrameduller nail broken after fracture healing. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 21: 23 - 26.1987 (Turkish)
Kentsch A, Binnet MS, Lauber P, Müller W. Die technik des vordere kreuzband erzatzes mit freim ligamentum patella transplant. Praktische Sport-Traumatologie und Sportmedizin; 3: 32- 35. 1987
Binnet MS, Mergen E, The use of Gentamycin-PMMA beads in the treatment of chronic osteomylelitis and soft tissue infections. Turkish Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.; 4:121 - 130. 1986 (Turkish)
Mergen E, Binnet MS, Dinçer D. Transfer of the ilio-tibial tract and bone block in treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament insuffiency. Acta Orthop Traum Turc; 19: 360 - 370. 1985 (Turkish)
Mergen E, Korkusuz Z, Binnet MS. Treatment of hallux valgus by metatarsal chevron osteotomy. Acta Orthop Traum Turc.; 19: 263 - 271.1985 (Turkish)
Çakırgil GS, Binnet MS, Avascular necrosis after treatment of the congenital dislocations of the hip . The Journal of Ankara University Medical Scholl; 38: 217 - 230 .1985 (Turkish)
Mergen E, Binnet MS. Meniscus lesions. Turkish Clinics; 4: 130 - 137. 1984 (Turkish)
Korkusuz Z, Binnet MS. Trochanteric fractures. The Journal of Ankara University Medical Scholl; 33: 553 - 558.1980 (Turkish)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet S. Binnet'in List of Scientific Presentations
Binnet MS. Autolog Chondrocyte Implantations. XV. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Capadocia, Turkey, 2021 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Contribution of medial and lateral stabilizers to success of anterior cruciate ligament surgery. XIV. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2018 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. MACI large femoral cartilage lesion. Surgical Management of Knee Cartilage Lesions Symposium. Yeditepe University Healthcare Instution. Istanbul, Turkey, 2018 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Modern treatment methods of sport injuries. International Scientific Congress “Medical And Biological Aspects Of The Support Of Athletes During The Organization Of İnternational Competitions” Abstract book; 20 ; Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2017
Binnet MS. Moderator; Hip & Knee Joint problems and their treatment. II Congress of the Azerbaijan Orthopedics and Traumatology Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016
Binnet MS. Treatment difficult cartilage problems of knee joint. II Congress of the Azerbaijan Orthopedics and Traumatology Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016
Binnet MS. Why sports traumatology, arthroscopy and knee surgery. XIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel speaker. Complex cases in focal cartilage lesions. XIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Istanbul,Turkey, 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel speaker; Biologic solutions to the knee joint cartilage lesions ; Autolog Chondrocyte Implantations. XXIV. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, 2015 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel Chair, anterior cruciate ligament reconsruction and my preferred technic, 12.Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, İzmir, Turkey ,2014 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Cartilage Restoration: Cell Based Treatments 12. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, (TUSYAD) Izmir, Turkey, 2014 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. The effect of MACI for deep osteonecrotic femoral condyle Defect: 11th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) ; Izmir, Turkey, 2013
Binnet MS. Opening speech, ICRS meets the middle east: 11th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) ; Izmir, Turkey, 2013
Binnet MS. Akan B, Kaya A. Lyophilised medial meniscus transplantations in ACL-deficient knees: a 19-year follow-up. Meniscus Study Group Meeting. Annual Meeting 2012 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco , USA, 2012
Binnet MS. Moderator ; Current concepts cartilage treatment 11. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Ankara, Turkey ,2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Arthroscopy treatment of intraarticular fractures. 11. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Ankara, Turkey ,2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Eminentia fractures in the knee joint. 11.Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Ankara, Turkey ,2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel chair; Cases based updated cartilage treatment. XXII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTBİD),Antalya, Turkey, 2011
Aydın M,Armangil M,Başarır K,Polat O, Yörübulut M, Binnet MS. Factors effecting the success of autolog chondrocyt implantations. XXII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 45 Suppl.I: 46 ; 2011 (Turkish)
Acar B, Armangil M, Başarır K, Binnet MS. One session double bundle anatomic ACL and PCL reconstruction. XXII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 45 Suppl.I:174; 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Does Injury Rate Affect a Soccer Team’s Level of Play? 8th Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Meeting, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, 2011
Binnet MS. Kurdak S.S., Özgünen K.T., Maughan R.J., Shirreffs s., Ersöz G., Dvorak J.; Effect of Dehydration of Soccer Match Performance. 8th Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Meeting, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, 2011
Binnet MS. Kurdak SS, Özgünen KT, Maughan RJ, Shirreffs S, Ersöz G, Dvorak J. Specific Interventions to Reduce Heat Stress in a Soccer Match: Effect of Cooling. 8th Biennial ISAKOS Meeting, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, 2011
Binnet MS, Kurdak SS, Özgünen KT, Maughan RJ, Ersöz G. Extreme heat conditions may increase the incidence of injuries in soccer. 14th ESSKA Congress Oslo, Norway, Knee Surg Sports Traumal Arthrosc 18: Suppl 1:FP26 – 488, 2010
Acar B,Basarır K, Armangil M, Binnet MS. One-stage anatomic double bundle anterior and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. X. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Antalya, Turkey Abstract Book:, PB02, 2010 (Turkish)
Başarır K, Emin N, Elçin AE, Binnet MS, Elçin M, Güner D. dGemric MRI evolution after autolog chondrocyte implantation: XXI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, İzmir,Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 43 : Supp 1 : 130, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Cell treatment in Orthopedics. First National Congress of Cell Treatment and Regenerative Medicine, Kapadokya, Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Football in extreme conditions. III National Congress of Science and Football. Antalya, Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator, Healthcare of professional athletes in Turkey. IX. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Eminentia fractures. IX. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Mechanism of football injuries in EURO 2008. 5th Meeting European Federatıons Of National Sports Traumatology (EFOST). Antalya, Turkey, 2008
Binnet MS, Başarır K, Armangil M, Acar B; Is arthroscopic assisted fixation gold standard in treatment of eminentia fractures of tibia? 13th ESSKA Congress Porto,Portugal, Knee Surg Sports Traumal Arthrosc 16 : Suppl 1: p15 – 472, 2008
Binnet MS, Armangil M, Polat O, Baykan A; To what extend the rate of injuries effects the level of national football? 13th ESSKA Congress Porto,Portugal, Knee Surg Sports Traumal Arthrosc 16 : Suppl 1: p27 – 474, 2008
Binnet MS. Moderator, Elbow arthroscopy. 5. National Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Adana,Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic repair of ACL. Congress of Albanian Association of the Orthopaedic Surgery Traumatology and EFORT Forum Abstrakte ; 11,Tirana, Albania, 2007
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic treatment of tibial plateau fractures. Congress of Albanian Association of the Orthopaedic Surgery Traumatology and EFORT Forum Abstrakte ; 7,Tirana, Albania, 2007
Binnet MS. Panel speaker; Use and abuse arthroscopic surgery, Technical failures. XX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Turkish)
Başarır K, Esmer A F, Tüccar E, Binnet M, Güçlü B. Medial and lateral arteries in ankle arthroscopy. XX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara,Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41 : Supp 3 : 64, 2007 (Turkish)
Köse K Ç, Cebesoy O, Ergan V, Akan B, Güner D, Kuru İ, Altınel L, Binnet MS, Çetin İ.The short – mid therm clinical results of mobile bearing total knee prostheses in middle aged population. XX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Ankara, Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41 : Supp 3 : 125, 2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Soydan C, Başarır K, Ülkar B, Cebesoy O. Limited open repair Achilles tendon ruptures and early rehabilitation. XX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Ankara, Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41 : Supp 3 : 221, 2007 (Turkish)
Başarır K, Emin N, Elçin AE, Binnet MS, Elçin M, Güner D. Autolog chondrocyte implantation for traumatic cartilage defect:. XX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41 : Supp 3 : 254, 2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. The Impact of injury on today’s soccer. VI Word Congress on Science & Football. Turkish Society of Sports Medicine, Antalya, Turkey, 2007
Binnet MS. Moderator : Knee osteotomies. VIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Kuşadası,Turkey, 2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Todays football characters and reflection to injury mechanism. VIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, İzmir,Turkey, 2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Başarır K ,Kayaoğlu E. Risk and outcome of infection after different arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction techniques. VIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, İzmir,Turkey, Abstract Book: 20, 2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Armangil M, Başarır K, Kayaoğlu E. Late treatment avulsion fracture posterior cruciate ligament. VIII. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 76, ,2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Polat O. Evaluation of football injuries from Turkey. 2nd International Football Medicine Congress, München, Germany, 2006
Binnet MS, Injury analysis in 2004-05 season to the Turkish primer league. X. Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, Izmir, Turkey, Abstract Book:3, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Results of ACL reconsruction (autolog patellar tendon).7th Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery compined with 3 rd Congress of Asia –Pasific Knee Society. Ankara,Turkey, 2004
Binnet MS, Knee Ligament Injury Mechanism To Modern Football. IX.Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, Kapadokya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 3, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Osteochondral femur fractures. XVIII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Istanbul,Turkey, Abstract Book: 8, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Karakaş A, Gürkan İ, Yılmaz C, Erekul S. Histopathologic assessment of healed osteochondral fractures . XVII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, .Abstract Book ; 263, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Karakaş A, Bayrakçı K, Yılmaz C, Arıkan M,Oktay O. Revision ACL surgery. XVII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book; 280, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Rehabilitations after todays ACL surgery. First National Congress of Sports Physiotherapy. Ankara, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Current Concept of the Knee Surgery. VIII.Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, Abstract Book:5, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Moderator ; ACL injuries. The Panther Sports Medicine Symposium,The Knee; A New Millennium from Robotics to Gene Theraphy. University of Pittsburgh Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Pittsburgh, USA, 2000
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş A, Yılmaz C, Erekul S. Histopathologic assessment of healed osteochondral fractures. 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul , Turkey, Abstract Book: 21, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Yılmaz C. Arthroscopic resection of bucket handle tears with the help of "Suture Punch". 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 50, 2000 (Turkish)
Can F, Koç H, Binnet MS. Effect of different exercise program of the patello - femoral pain syndrome. 5 th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 59, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Yılmaz C, Karakaş A. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation . 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 157,2000 (Turkish)
Yılmaz C, Binnet MS, Demirtaş MA. Arthroscopic treatment for the pathologies developing after ankle sprain . 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 167, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel speaker ; Soft tissue problems of the knee. Cysts and bursitis around knee joint. 5th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Bilgin SS, Gürkan İ, Altay M, Adıyaman S. Our results of surgical treatment of rotator cuff tears. 1st Turkish Congress Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 35, 2000 (Turkish)
Demirtaş M, Altay M, Adıyaman S, Yılmaz C, Binnet MS. Short term follow-up arthroscopic treatment of glenohumeral instability. 1st Turkish Congress Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 55, 2000 (Turkish)
Baltacı G, Binnet MS, Ergun N, Yılmaz C. Does arthroscopic subacromial decompression chanced activity level ? 1st Turkish Congress Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 62, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Karakaş A, Yılmaz C, Selek H. Late results combine injury of the ACL and PCL. XVI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 851- 854, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus repair and arthroscopic fixation techniques. XVI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 1104 - 1107, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Economic future for orthopedic surgery. XVI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 128-129, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş A,Yılmaz C. The long-term results of surgical management of combined rotational knee instabilities following severe trauma. 8th Congress European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy, Nice, France, Abstract Book : 287, 1998.
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş A, Yılmaz C. Erekul S. Histopathology results after the osteochondral fractures of the knee. Fourth Turkish Congress Of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 22, 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karakaş A, Yılmaz C. Four portal arthroscopic fixation technic of eminentia intercondillaris fractures. Fourth Turkish Congress Of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 66, 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan A, Fazeli A, Karakaş A. Insufficient results of modified Bristow procedure in treating the anterior glenohumeral instabilities. Salzburg, Austria, Abstract Book : 170, 1997
Binnet MS, Bilgin S, Demir H, Yücel H. Effective Approaches to arthroscopic ACL reconstructions. XV.Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 598, 1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Karataş A, Demir H, Yücel H, Ergun N, Baltacı G. Current concept of arthroscopic ACL repair . VI Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 16, 1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Gürkan İ, Karataş A, Yücel H. Shoulder problems for old athletes and their arthroscopic treatment . VI Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress. Abstract Book: 23, İzmir, Turkey, 1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current Concept of Arthroscopic Surgery in Sports Medicine Field. First Clinical Sport Medicine Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, Symposium Book: 164-172, , 1995 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus transplantations. SICOT regional and XIV Turkish National Congress of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology. İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book : 203, 1995
Binnet MS, Bayrakcı K. Arthroscopic surgery in intraarticular fractures. SICOT regional and XIV Turkish National Congress of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology. İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book : 226, 1995
Binnet MS. Complications of arthroscopic ACL surgery. SICOT regional and XIV Turkish National Congress of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology Abstract Book : 9, İzmir, Turkey, 1995
Ergun N, Baltacı G, Binnet MS, Yılmaz İ. Rehabilitation of meniscal transplantation and allograft ACL in the human knee. International Congress on Applied Research in Sports. Helsinki, Finland, Abstract Book : 9, 1994
Binnet MS. Athletic knee injuries and their prevention. Current Concept Sports Injuries, Middle East Technical University Athletic Dept. Ankara, Turkey, Abstract Book ; 25 - 30. 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Fazeli A R, Bektaş U, Demirörs H. Active variants related to the results of the surgical treatments for recurrent dislocation of shoulder. Internationals Hand and Shoulder Congress. İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 64, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Yıldız Y, Kınık H. Indications and borderline surgical and conservative treatment of medial collateral ligament injuries to the Knee. V th. Turkish - German Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Congress (TGOT), İstanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 125, 1994
Binnet MS, Demirörs H, Bilgin S.; Meniscus repair and our results for fixation technics. V th.Turkish - German Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Congress (TGOT),İstanbul,Turkey,Abstract Book:5,1994
Yılmaz İ, Ergun E, Baltacı G, Binnet MS. Plica syndrome of the ballets and their rehabilitations. IV. Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 72, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Demir H, Ergun N, Yılmaz İ. Why important ACL rupture for athletes? IV. Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress. İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 14, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Bektaş U, Demir H. Current concepts of meniscal surgery in sports field. IV. Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress . İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 13. 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Yıldız Y, Kınık H. Limitation of surgical and functional rehabilitation in treatment of medical collateral ligament injury. The Second Turkish Congress of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery. Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 57, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirörs H, Bilgin S. Meniscal repair and techniques of fixation. Second Turkish Congress of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery. Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 33, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Sözen S, Demir H. Between 1981-91 years 138 open ligament surgery results and their complications. XIII Turkish National Congress of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology; Nevşehir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 796. 1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Fazeli AR, Demir H. Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon. XIII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nevşehir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 791,1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Sarıdoğan K, Mergen E. Combined rotational knee instabilities following severe traffic accidents. Combined Congress of International Arthroscopy Association and International Society of the Knee. Copenhagen, Denmark, Abstract Book: 143, 1993
Keçik Y, Uysalel A, Kırdemir H, Binnet MS.; Post.op analgesia with intra articular bupivacain + morfin and bupivacain + fentanil injections. 1st Turkish National Regional Analgesia Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book: 4. 1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Ateş Y, Mergen E. Traumatic articular cartilage injuries of the knee. IV th.Turkish - German Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Congress, Ankara, Turkey, Abstract Book: 4, 1992
Binnet MS, Kurdoğlu M, Çilingiroğlu K. Prevention of injuries in top soccer players. First World Congress of Sports Trauma and Fifth Congress of the European Society of the Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Abstract Book: 193–194. 1992
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Ateş Y, Mergen E. Arthroscopic resection of symptomatic plica of the knee. First Turkish Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress; İstanbul , Turkey, Abstract Book: P 2, 1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Ateş Y, Mergen E. Traumatic articular cartilage injury of the knee. First Turkish Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, İstanbul,Turkey,Abstract Book: F 42. 1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Demirtaş M, Otman A. ACL rupture with rotational instabilities and their treatment results. XII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Kuşadası, Turkey, Abstract Book: 776-779, 1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Otman A, Doğan M. Our experiens and results with different technics of meniscus fixations. XII. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Kuşadası, Turkey, Abstract Book: 820 - 823, 1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Ateş Y, Mergen E, Ege R. Late results of bone block iliotibial band in the treatment of ACL insuffiency. Fourth Congress of the European Society of the Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. Stockholm, Sweden, Abstrack Book : 98 - 99, 1990.
Binnet MS, Özbarlas S, Erdemli B, Ege R. New concepts in meniscal surgery. First National Sports and Science Meeting. Ankara, Turkey, Abstract Book: 40-41, 1990 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Işiklar U, Ege R.: Role of dynamic ultrasonography in diagnosis of impingement syndrome. 11th Annual International Symposium the Center for Implant Surgery. Haifa, Israel, Abstract Book: 89, 1989
Binnet MS, Bilgiç A, Arasıl T. Active rehabilitation after surgical treatment of knee ligaments. 12th Turkish National Congress of Rehabilitation; Abstract Book: 18, Antalya, 1989 (Turkish)
Erdem İ, Binnet MS, Çeliktürk A, Işıklar U. Imaging methods in diagnosis of traumatic shoulder lesions. 12 th Turkish National Congress of Rehabilitation; Antalya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 98, 1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Mergen E, Ateş Y, Önem Y. A review of 5 years of follow up for intra articular transfer bone block iliotibial track for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. XI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Ankara, Turkey, Abstract Book: 426 - 427, 1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Işıklar U, Ateş Y, Erdemli B. Arthroscopic method in differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of hypertrophic plica. XI. Turkish National Congress of the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Ankara,Turkey,Abstract Book: 409 - 410, 1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Traumatic problems of shoulder, diagnostic approach, arthroscopy, arthrography, ultrasonography. XI. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey, Abstract Book: 127, 1989 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Rotator cuff lesion: diagnostic approach. Second Congress of the International Circle of Friends of Turkish Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology. İzmir,Turkey, Abstract Book: 30, 1987
Tümöz MA, Binnet MS, Dereboy F, Güldoğan M. An analysis of 462 open fractures. Second Congress of the International Circle of Friends of Turkish Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology. İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 38, 1987
Binnet MS, Kentsch A, Müller W. Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with vascularized ligamentum patella. X. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Mersin, Turkey, Abstract Book: 388 - 391, 1987 (Turkish)
Korkusuz Z, Binnet MS, Günel U. Anterior approach for the c.vertebralis pathologies. IX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Alanya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 273 - 275, 1985 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Dinçer D. Transfer of the ilio-tibial track and bone block in treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament insuffiency. IX. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Alanya, Turkey, Abstract Book: 182 - 186, 1985 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Ethiology congenital hip dysplasia. CDH Symposium, Alanya ,Turkey, Abstract Book : 5 - 9. 1985 (Turkish)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet S. Binnet'in Research Exhibits / Scientific Presentations
Binnet MS. Moderator; Tips and Pearls in Arthroscopic & Sports Surgery. 33. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTBID), Antalya, Turkey, 2023 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator ; Anterior Cruciate Ligament . XVI. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Mugla, Turkey, 2023 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel speaker ; Diffucult knee and Anterior Cruciate Ligament . XVI. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Mugla, Turkey, 2023 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Meniscus surgery. XV. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Capadocia, Turkey, 2021 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus transplantations. Ankara University VI Arthroscopic Surgery Education Symposium, DePuy Synthes Institute, Ankara,Turkey, 2020 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Meniscus surgery . 29 th. Turkish National Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTBİD), Antalya, Turkey, 2019 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Current approach on multiple ligament injuries. XIV.Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress (TUSYAD), Antalya, Turkey, 2018 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus transplantations, Ankara University Arthroscopic Surgery Education Symposium, DePuy Synthes Institute, Ankara,Turkey, 2018 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Meniscus surgery. 18.Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey , 2017 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Why we are hear ? Meet to Expert University. Ankara University Arthroscopic Surgery Education Symposium, DePuy Synthes Institute. Ankara,Turkey, 2017 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator;Turkey’s medicine brands. Health Sumex Global Health Tourism Summit, Ankara, Turkey, 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. 17.Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey , 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Current concept sports traumatology “Athletes Health”. Master Experience, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Continuing (TUSYAD) Education Program, 7 Spring Courses, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Anterior cruciate ligament surgery. Ankara University Arthroscopic Surgery Education Symposium, DePuy Synthes Institute. Ankara,Turkey, 2015 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Meniscus repair. XVI.Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey , 2015 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Cartilage lesion threatment, “Middle Ages Osteoartritis and Tendinopathy”. Master Experience, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, 6 Spring Courses, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Cartilage surgery. 13.Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey , 2013 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Football Doctor Education Programme, Instructor, UEFA Education Programme,Vienna. Australia ,2012
Binnet MS. Ankara perspectives for anterior cruciate ligament surgery, II Istanbul Orthopedic Meeting ,Istanbul, 2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Arthroscopy treatment of intraarticular fractures. 11. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Ankara, Turkey ,2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Current concepts cartilage treatment 11. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Congress, Ankara, Turkey ,2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS Complications after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery. XXI Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Antalya ,Turkey, 2012 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation: indications and techniques. XII, Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey , 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Muscle and tendon injuries. “Current Concept Sports Traumatology” Acıbadem University Medical School Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, İstanbul,Turkey ,2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Updated cartilage surgery in the knee joint. “Current Concept Sports Traumatology” Acıbadem University Medical School Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, İstanbul,Turkey ,2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Anterior cruciate reconstruction: Pearls and Pitfalls. Istanbul Orthopedic Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Management of articular cartilage problems to athletes. II Th. Annual Athlete Days, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey, 2011 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complication of autologous chondrocyte transplantation. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, 10 Th. Ege Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, İzmir, Turkey 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current concepts in ACL surgery .VIII Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology Ankara, Turkey, 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications Arthroscopic Surgery. XX. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Antalya ,Turkey, 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Articular cartilage defects and surgical repair. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Continuing Education Program, 9 Th. Ege Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days. Bodrum, Turkey 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation. XI. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey , 2010 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Surgical management of symptomatic chondral injury and autologous chondrocyte implantation. VII Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Currents conceps of football injuries I. Annual Athletes Days. Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic approach tibial eminantia fractures. X. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications arthroscopic knee surgery. XIX. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Antalya ,Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Non surgical and surgical solutions for partical thickness isolated lesions. State-of-the-Art Knee Arthroplasty Meeting, Kleos Medical Education from Smith&Nephew, İstanbul, Turkey, 2009
Binnet MS. Current concepts articular cartilage surgery. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, Izmir, Turkey, 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS ACL Graft Selection. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, 8 Th. Ege Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, Cesme, Turkey 2009 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator, Elbow arthroscopy. 5. National Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Adana,Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Healthcare of professional athletes in Turkey. IX. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Surgical decision making in cartilage restoration and autologous chondrocyte implantation. VI Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology Ankara, Turkey, 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. What is new for cartilage repair: autologous chondrocyte implantation. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, 7 Th. Ege Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, Marmaris, Turkey 2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus transplantations and allograft options. II Regional Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Update Courses. Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, Adana, Turkey,2008 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Panel speaker; Osteochondritis dissecans and autologous chondrocyte implantation. Symposium on Pediatric Knee Injuries ,Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, (TOTBID) Pediatric Orthopedics Branch, Istanbul ,Turkey, 2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Team behind team. City Culture Kent Bienali 07, Sports in Zonguldak, Zonguldak Culture and Education Foundation. Zonguldak, Turkey, 2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Today’s modern football and reflection to injuries. Veli Lök’s in 75 Years, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery and Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. İzmir, Turkey, 2007 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; New approach for anterior cruciate ligament reconsruction ; double band technics from F.Fu. American Hospital Education Meeting,İstanbul,Turkey 2006
Binnet MS The Impact of evolution in knee surgery Injuries in modern football . IV UEFA Medical Symposium ,İstanbul, Turkey, 2006
Binnet MS. Turkish football association injury study. IV UEFA Medical Symposium ,İstanbul, Turkey, 2006
Binnet MS. Team behind team. Turkish Football Association, Continuing Medical Education for The Team Physicians. İstanbul, Turkey, 2006 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Surgical treatment of the tibia plateau fractures. Master Experience, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) Continuing Education Program, II Spring Courses, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Where we are for shoulder surgery. IX. Advances Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Shoulder and Minimal İnvasive Surgery,Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey, 2005 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic technics for tibia eminentia fractures. VIII. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course,Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD), Ankara, Turkey, 2005 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic surgery complication and how I got out of trouble, XIV. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Team physician responsibility and medical team building, Turkish Football Association, Continuing Medical Education for The Team Physicians. Ankara, Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Update and overview of the football players knee problems, Turkish Football Association, Continuing Medical Education for The Team Physicians. Ankara, Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Eminentia intercondlaris fractures. II. Erciyes Orthopaedic Surgery Days, Symposium of ACL injuries.Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Management options for intraarticular fractures of the knee with arthroscopic surgery, VI. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complication and how I got out of trouble, XIII. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery,Antalya ,Turkey, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Allograft meniscus transplantation, Postgraduate Education Courses, Istanbul University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology, Istanbul , Turkey, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Pediatric ACL injuries, Master Experience, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Continuing Education Program, Spring Courses, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; Doping problem to football. Turkish Football Association, Continuing Medical Education for The Team Physicians, Physiotherapist and Massor, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. UEFA criterion. Turkish Football Association, Continuing Medical Education for The Team Physicians, Physiotherapist and Massor, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Guidelines on arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Instructional Course, VI .Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Antalya ,Turkey, 2002 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications ACL surgery. Instructional Course, VI . Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Antalya ,Turkey, 2002 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic treatment of fractures eminentia intercondillaris, VII. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 2002 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current concepts arthroscopic shoulder surgery, IV Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara ,Turkey 2002 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression on impingement syndrome : Pearls and Pitfalls. III Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara ,Turkey, 2002 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. The Mechanism of knee Injuries in modern football . III UEFA Medical Symposium, UEFA,Nyon. Switzerland, 2002
Binnet MS. Management problems of clubs created by the new professional developments. UEFA Congres, UEFA and Turkish Football Association, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
Binnet MS. Techniques to revision ACL reconstruction. Gap. Regional Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Days, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Continuing Education Program, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Sports Injuries of the knee. I. National Sports Physiotherapy Congress, Turkish Society of Sports Physiotherapy ,Ankara, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic ACL and PCL reconstruction, IV. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara ,Turkey,2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after ACL reconstruction. IV. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey,2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current knee surgery. VIII. Turkish National Sports Medicine Congress, Turkish Society of Sports Medicine,İstanbul, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Ice Skating and ice hockey injuries on the knee, I st. Ice Sports Meeting. Turkish Sports Ministry, Ankara, Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic surgery complication and how I got out of trouble. X Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey,2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Graft choise: Patellar tendon. Anterior cruciate ligament surgery. Postgraduate Education Courses, Istanbul University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology, Istanbul , Turkey, 2001 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscal repair and technics. Instructional Course, V. Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; ACL injuries.”The Panther Sports Medicine Symposium,The Knee; A New Millennium from Robotics to Gene Theraphy”. University of Pittsburgh Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Pittsburgh, USA,2000
Binnet MS. Current concepts shoulder and knee arthroscopic surgery. III Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara ,Turkey 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic surgery on intraarticular fractures treatment, Intraarticular Fractures around Knee Joint. AO International and Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Course,Ankara ,Turkey, 2000
Binnet MS. Complications after surgical treatment of tibia plateau fractures, Intraarticular Fractures Around Knee Joint. AO International and Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Course, Ankara ,Turkey, 2000
Binnet MS. Knee injuries, Current Concepts Sports Injuries. Ankara University Department of Sports Medicine Continuing Education Program, Ankara , Turkey, 2000 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications knee arthroscopy . V. Mediterrean Endoscopy Courses, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS, Meniscus repair indications and guidelines. Current Concepts Arthroscopic Surgery. Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara,Turkey, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic Knee and Shoulder Surgery, II Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey,1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications knee arthroscopy. IV.Mediterranean endoscopy courses. Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1999 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Pathologies of limitation athletes performance., Current Concepts in Sports Medicine Courses, National Olympic Committee ,Ankara,Turkey, 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current concepts and future trends to orthopeadic sports medicine. Sports Injuries Day of Society of Turkish Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology Sports Traumatology Branch, Ankara, Turkey,1998 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after arthroscopic knee surgery. VII. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1997 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. ACL reconstruction. Sports Rehabilitation Course, Turkish Sports Ministry and Ankara University Sports Medicine Department ,Ankara, Turkey, 1996, (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Effective approaches to knee breyses. Sports Rehabilitation Course, Turkish Sports Ministry and Ankara University Sports Medicine Department ,Ankara, Turkey, 1996, (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications of arthroscopic knee surgery. VI. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1996 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. What’s new sports surgery. 1. Clinic Sports Medicine Symposium, Ankara University Sports Medicine Department,Turkish National Olympic Committee Ankara,Turkey, 1995 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconsruction.. 1. Mediterranean endoscopy courses. Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1995 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Shoulder instability. Ankara Ortopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Days, Ankara ,Turkey,1993, (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after arthroscopic knee Surgery. V. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1995 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current concepts anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. II. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 1995 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Moderator; A course on anterior cruciate ligament from Prof. Dr. Freddie H. Fu. Postgraduate Education Courses, Ege University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology, İzmir, Turkey, 1994
Binnet MS. Past, today and future of arthroscopic surgery. Postgraduate Education Courses Ankara University, Ankara ,Turkey ,1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after arthroscopic knee surgery, IV. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1994 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscus repair techniques I. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate reconstruction techniques. I. Advances in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after arthroscopic knee surgery. III. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1993 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Future trends in knee arthroscopy. Current Concepts Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Continue Education Meeting, Ankara,Turkey,1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Complications after arthroscopic knee surgery. II. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Meniscal repair. Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Izmir, Turkey, 1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate reconstruction. II Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course,Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1992 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Knee injuries and our technics. Sports Injuries Day , Postgraduate Education Courses, Hacettepe University Department of Orthopeadic Surgery and Traumatology Ankara, Turkey,1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Technics complications after arthroscopic knee Surgery . I Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Skills Course, Society of Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Antalya ,Turkey, 1991 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Current concepts sports medicine. Sports Medicine Courses, Turkish Medical Association, Ankara, Turkey, 1990 (Turkish)
Binnet MS. Sports injuries of the knee. Sports Medicine Courses, Turkish Medical Association, Ankara,Turkey, 1990 (Turkish)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet S. Binnet'in List of Chapters in Textbooks
Acar B, Akan B, Binnet M.S., Double bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconsruction. Knee Joint Ligament and Tendon Patologies. (Ed.Ö.Taşer et al) Istanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S.,Akan B,. Arthroscopic meniscus transplantation. Arthroscopic Surgery, Current Technics (Ed.M.N.Doral et al.) Istanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2016 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S., Polat O., Armangil M., Does injury rate affect a football team’s level of play? Injury report from Turkey. (Ed.M.N.Doral at al.) Sports Injuries. Springer Pub.2012
Binnet M.S.; Knee joint injuries, knee fractures (Ed.E.Mergen) Orthopeadics and Traumatology. Antıp Pub.2004 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S., Derinçek A. ACL injuries with tibial eminentia and plato fractures. ACL Surgery. (Ed.R.Tandoğan) Sim Pub.2002
Binnet M.S.; Cruciate ligament Injuries. The Knee. (Ed.Rıdvan Ege), Bizin Buro Pub. 1998 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S.; Athletic knee injury. Sports Medicine (Ed.Emin Ergen), The Turkish Medical Association, Maya Pub. 1992 (Turkish)
Binnet M.S.; Complications of the arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopy (Ed. Levent Köstem): Egem Pub. 1992 (Turkish)